February 14, flies to Russia on assignment for The New Yorker; stopovers in Paris, Stockholm, and Helsinki; arrives in Leningrad, February 18. Spends five weeks in Russia, traveling to Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Tbilisi, Kharkov, Samarkand, Tashkent. Fills sketchbooks with drawings and also takes photographs. The trip results in two portfolios of drawings, published in The New Yorker, May 12 and June 9, 1956.

March 6, premier of Jerome Robbins’s ballet The Concert, at the New York City Ballet, with backdrop by ST; for a revision of the ballet at the Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Italy, 1958, ST creates a new backdrop.

Summer, ST and Hedda make a cross-country road trip, spending time in Alaska (Anchorage, Ketchikan, Juneau, and Fairbanks); they return in mid-August and go to Wellfleet, Massachusetts, till the end of the month.
Publication of Dessins by Gallimard, a French compilation from ST’s three previous books of drawings.