Steinberg’s Canal Street drawing, as reproduced in Ian Frazier, “A Reporter at Large: Canal Street,” The New Yorker, April 30, 1990. Original drawing, Untitled, 1989. Pencil and collage on color photocopy, 13 ¾ x 18 in. Saul Steinberg Papers, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University

Steinberg’s Canal Street drawing, as reproduced in Ian Frazier, “A Reporter at Large: Canal Street,” The New Yorker, April 30, 1990. Original drawing, Untitled, 1989. Pencil and collage on color photocopy, 13 ¾ x 18 in. Saul Steinberg Papers, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University

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