March-April, visits to Cincinnati to install mural at the Terrace Plaza Hotel.

Commissioned by industrial designer Henry Dreyfuss to provide murals for the bars in the “Four Aces,” four newly built ships of the American Export Lines. The design program places contemporary art by several artists throughout the ships.
April, sails to Paris to meet Hedda; they travel in France. April 22, receives an urgent telegram from Gian Carlo Menotti in London, asking ST to design the backdrop for the London production of The Telephone, opening in seven days. ST accepts.

May, sends roughs of the “Four Aces” drawings to Dreyfuss from Paris. In the end, there is no time to complete four different drawings, so the same drawing, photographically enlarged, is used on each of the ships.

June, with Hedda in Milan. July-August, ST and Hedda travel in Switzerland and Italy; visit Aldo Buzzi in Mantua, where he is constructing the set for Alberto Lattuada’s film Il Mulino del Po. After two weeks in Biarritz, ST and Hedda return to Paris.

October 6, arrives back in New York.

Late December, his parents, having gotten visas to leave Bucharest, arrive in Paris; they stay with Hedda’s brother, the conductor Edward Lindenberg. ST’s sister, Lica, her husband, Rica Roman, and their baby son cannot get permission to leave. ST helps support his parents and his sister’s family.