May, in Paris with Sigrid; June, in Rome, Venice, and Milan. By mid-June, back in New York, and by July with Sigrid in the Amagansett house. Receives word that his mother’s health is declining.
August, buys a 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air for driving in the country; he loves the car and over the years tries to keep it in good repair.

October 8, Rosa Steinberg dies in a Paris hospital.
November 26, goes to Paris, then to Milan in early December for his last mural commission: the sgraffito decoration of the entryway to the Palazzina Mayer, 5, via Bigli. The palazzina is being renovated by the firm of BBPR, which commissioned ST’s sgraffito drawings for the “Children’s Labyrinth” in 1954. One section shows multiple views of the Galleria di Milano, which ST had drawn in 1951. The murals are destroyed in 1997 when the palazzina is sold.