February, trip to Italy, Israel, and Africa. In Kenya, runs into Saul Bellow in Nairobi and they travel together to Murchison Falls and later Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Visits Lalibela with architecture school friend Sandro Angelini. Also goes to Ghana and Dakar. From Kampala, Uganda, sends Aldo Buzzi a postcard of Kampala Road with the ironic message, “Behold Africa.”

May 15, writes to Buzzi, asking for a selection of European airmail envelopes with “the red and green borders.” These will be used in, or as models for, his growing series of airmail still lifes.

Contributes a rubber-stamp lithograph, The General, to the Peace Portfolio I, a portfolio of lithographs by 12 artists sold to raise money in support of peace candidates. Also designs poster for Referendum ’70, a national organization seeking to elect anti-war candidates.

Begins to paint large oils, including The Tree, one of the largest at 6 ½ feet long. Five of these paintings are exhibited at the Carnegie International, Pittsburgh, November-January 1971.

Six Drawing Tables, a portfolio of lithographs published by Abrams Original Editions, interprets his drawing table in 6 different guises, some of them including postcard reproductions of other artists’ works: Airmail Still Life, Music and China, Matisse Postcard, Braque Postcard, Millet, and Mixed Media.