January, puts his beloved Chevrolet, purchased used as a country car in 1961, “out to pasture.” It has become too expensive to maintain, but he keeps it on the Amagansett property, rusting away.

February 17-25, trip to Guadeloupe with Sigrid; initially reluctant to visit a tourist site, but then finds it a “paradise.” They return in the winters of 1986 and 1989.
Stamp collecting becomes his “latest mania.” Collects only stamps to 1924, the year his childhood passion for stamps began; finds it “strange that all this was buried in me and now reawakens with alarming strength.”
October, “Saul Steinberg/Richard Lindner,” Galerie Maeght, Paris; catalogue introduction by Eugene Ionesco.
Around this time, meets New Yorker writer Ian Frazier, who becomes a close friend.